Nachruf auf Dr. Pia Srinivasan

Prof. S.A. und Pia Srinivasan mit ihrer Lehrerin Rajeswari Padmanabhan >>

Mit dem Tod von Dr. Pia Srinivasan (15. Mai 1931 – 8. April 2022) verlieren Freunde der indischen Musik eine inspirierende Vertreterin des deutsch-indischen Dialogs.

Zugleich lebt ihr Erbe fort, sei es mit Hilfe ihrer preisgekrönten, weil zugänglichen Aufnahme südindischer klassischer Musik, sei es mit Veröffentlichungen, die sie in Zusammenarbeit mit ihrem Mann Prof. S.A. Srinivasan für ein Fachpublikum erarbeitete.

Nachruf auf Englisch >>

Book release & Foreword: “Arangilum Munnilum Pinnilum” – Gopal Venu and Kerala’s thriving performing arts

Foreword to Gopal Venu’s new book in Malayalam, titled Arangilum Munnilum Pinnilum; shared by Vinod Kumar (Chennai/Dubai) during the book release online event held on 16 November 2021: an opportunity to reflect on shared cultural roots, values and an association spanning several generations via both, the author’s parents and those of the present writer. In short, one of those rare occasions when light may be shed on the role played by renowned performers and teachers whose contributions to artistic life and training have stood the test of time for all to see and enjoy:

Photo © Natanakairali

The distilling of art education, sharing of knowledge and dissemination of a timeless tradition is best evidenced in Shri Venu’s work on his now legendary ‘Navarasa Sadhana’ workshops that are now attended by dancers, theatre artists, writers, actors, rasikas and even simple folk who carry a deep interest in the art of abhinaya.

Learn more: “Navarasa Sadhana: A system of acting methodology for actors and dancers” by Gopal Venu on, India’s Gateway to the World of Dance >>

Inquiries on Navarasa Sadhana workshops:

ePUB | Zusammen sind wir stark: Ein Buch für Kinder und Erwachsene von Martin Kämpchen

Zusammen sind wir stark! von Martin Kämpchen

Als klassisches Vorlesebuch konzipiert, lädt diese Geschichtensammlung Eltern und Großeltern dazu ein, sich gemeinsam mit ihren Vor- und Grundschulkindern in eine uns ferne Lebenswelt entführen zulassen. Es sind Erzählungen zum gemeinsamen Erleben, zum Staunen und zum Wundern. Das Buch ist sparsam und einfach illustriert: Kohlezeichnungen des indischen Künstlers Sanyasi Lohar wechseln mit zeichnungsartig verfremdeten Fotografien des Ortes Merangdi und seiner Umgebung ab.

Mehr von und über Martin Kämpchen

Why Carnatic Music Matters More Than Ever

by Ludwig Pesch

Published by Shankar Ramchandran on behalf of Dhvani Ohio | Read or download the full article (PDF, 800 KB, updated 19 June 2021):

Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License

Sruti Magazine (October 2018)
Learn more on
A brief introduction to Carnatic music >>

For this musicologist and author, there are good reasons to believe that Carnatic music matters, perhaps more than ever and almost anywhere in the world. So why not perform and teach it in the service of better education for all, for ecological awareness or in order to promote mutual respect in spite of all our differences? And in the process, get “invigorated and better equipped to tackle the larger issues at hand”.

Related post

What makes one refer to Carnatic music as “classical or art music”? | >>

Video | Everyone deserves to play music – BBC & #IAmMySong

A Cookstown teenager has teamed up with the Afghan Women’s Orchestra to star in a music video aimed at peace-building and supporting women’s rights.
Cara Monaghan will perform on the song Gham Be Haya with Afghanistan’s first women’s orchestra – also known as Ensemble Zohra – as part of a partnership with local charity Beyond Skin, funded by the Community Relations Council.
Since recording the song, the Ministry of Education in Afghanistan has banned girls older than 12 from singing in public arenas.
The campaign #IAmMySong has been launched to reverse this decision.

Source: BBC News 13 April 2021
Date visited: 29 April 2021

In true music there is no place for communal differences and hostility. True music is created only when life is attuned to a single tune and a single time beat. Music is born only where the strings of the heart are not out of tune.

Mahatma Gandhi – A unique musician” by Namrata Mishra >>