Ich möchte, dass die Luft aller Kulturen so frei wie möglich um mein Haus weht – Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi – Briefmarkenserie aus Indien

In vielen Ländern der Welt herrschen heute Wut, Hass, Kampf, Erniedrigung von Minderheiten und Zuwanderern, Handelskriege und bewaffne- te Auseinandersetzungen. Können wir heute, siebzig Jahren nach seiner Ermordung, noch etwas von Mahatma Gandhi lernen?

Den vollständigen Beitrag von Asit Datta finden Sie in MEINE WELT 2|2019: Gandhis Lehren für eine gewaltfreie Zukunft >>

Gandhi schrieb: „Keine Kultur kann überleben, wenn sie danach strebt, exklusiv zu sein“ und: „Ich möchte, dass die Luft aller Kulturen so frei wie möglich um mein Haus weht.“

Ein höchst lesenswerter Artikel des Hochschullehrers Asit Datta (Gründungsmitglieds der Organisation „German Watch“) nimmt diese weiterhin aktuellen Anliegen Gandhis unter die Lupe:
Säkularismus: Bei Toleranz mag die unbegründete Annahme mitschwingen, andere Glaubensrichtungen seien der eigenen unterlegen, und Respekt lässt auf gönnerhaftes Verhalten schließen, während Ahimsa uns lehrt, den anderen dieselbe Achtung entgegenzubringen, wie wir sie unserer eigenen entgegenbringen.
Ökonomische Ungleichheit, denn ohne eine andere Form der Verteilung des Vermögens und Einkommens zwischen Arm und Reich ist ein Frieden nicht erreichbar – weder auf nationaler und noch auf internationaler Ebene.
Kultur: Gandhi schrieb: „Keine Kultur kann überleben, wenn sie danach strebt, exklusiv zu sein“ und: „Ich möchte, dass die Luft aller Kulturen so frei wie möglich um mein Haus weht.“ Wenn man diese Lehren in aller Welt beherzigen würde, gäbe es heute keine rechtsnationalen Parteien mehr.

A message for all seasons: Rabindranath Tagore on “the beauty of the flower”

By plucking her petals, you do not gather the beauty of the flower.  – Rabindrath Tagore

Rabindranath Tagore Sketched by Dutch artist Martin Monickendam on the occasion of a lecture tour in September 1920 © Stadsarchief Amsterdam
Rabindranath Tagore Sketched by Dutch artist Martin Monickendam on the occasion of a lecture tour in September 1920 © Stadsarchief Amsterdam

From Beauty Quotes and Sayings – quotegarden.com

More on and by Rabindranath Tagore >>

Listen to Tagore: Unlocking Cages: Sunil Khilnani tells the story of the Bengali writer and thinker Rabindranath Tagore: https://bbc.in/1KVh4Cf >>
The acclaimed BBC 4 podcast series titled Incarnations: India in 50 Lives has also been published in book form (Allen Lane).

“I was moved by how many of these lives pose challenges to the Indian present,” he writes, “and remind us of future possibilities that are in danger of being closed off.”1

  1. Sunil Khilnani quoted in a review by William Dalrymple in The Guardian, 14 March 2016[]

On the responsibility to share one’s legacy: “My music is never isolated” – Aruna Sairam

The Sangita Kalanidhi is a happy validation of Sairam’s life and struggles, but “it also entails an important responsibility — to record, document, and share,” she points out.

This year’s Sangita Kalanidhi awardee says the freedom to create helped her channel her life into art | Read the full interview (The Hindu, 5 October 2018) >>

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Exploring a wealth of rhythmic and melodic motifs: Interactive music session for and with Montessori teachers – Zurich

At the invitation of Christine Urand (Director, Rietberg Montessori School) Ludwig Pesch took the full assembly of teachers on a musical journey across South India: exploring a wealth of rhythmic and melodic motifs suitable for young learners while enabling parents, teachers and care-givers to enjoy music making themselves (even as “lay people”, musically speaking).

This event was also an occasion to explore and discuss the scope for actively participating in an intercultural dialogue, something the presenter has long been known for, while paying homage to Maria Montessori; 1 both as contributor to ISME World Conferences and in association with educational and cultural institutions across the entire spectrum: teacher training, kindergarten, schools, rehabilitation just as staff integration programmes; conservatoria and universities in several countries; and creative projects developed in association with the Goethe Institute and exhibition makers at internationally renowned museums.

Date: 1 March 2018. Events on similar lines have been developed in conjunction with Museum Rietberg (Zurich) on the occasion of exhibitions of rare Indian art (in collaboration with art education staff).

Deutsch: Eine musikalische Reise für alle >>

  1. From 1939 until 1947 Dr. Maria Montessori worked closely with Rukmini Devi, founder of Kalakshetra (est. in 1936 in Adyar/Madras, now part of Chennai) These pioneering efforts remain as relevant today as in the early 20th century[]

The Unesco Courier December 1961: Rabindranath Tagore: A Universal Voice

pp. 16 music notation and article on Tagore’s music by Philippe Stern & Arnold A. Bake

Download the full issue herehttps://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0006/000643/064331eo.pdf

More on and by Rabindranath Tagore >>

Listen to Tagore: Unlocking Cages: Sunil Khilnani tells the story of the Bengali writer and thinker Rabindranath Tagore: https://bbc.in/1KVh4Cf >>
The acclaimed BBC 4 podcast series titled Incarnations: India in 50 Lives has also been published in book form (Allen Lane).

“I was moved by how many of these lives pose challenges to the Indian present,” he writes, “and remind us of future possibilities that are in danger of being closed off.”1

  1. Sunil Khilnani quoted in a review by William Dalrymple in The Guardian, 14 March 2016[]