Rabindranath Tagore’s memorable visit to The Netherlands: Centenary celebration at “Paradiso”

Paradiso © Ludwig Pesch 2020
Tagore sketched by Martin Monickendam in September 1920

The month of September offered an opportunity to celebrate the centenary of a successful lecture tour by Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941). It was organized by Dutch citizens with whom he shared a commitment to a cultural dialogue on eye-level. A Dutch press report highlights Tagore’s “silver voice” that conveyed his admiration for the songs of Bengal’s village mystics. His lectures attracted large audiences: 1

Several factor led [his Dutch translator, the writer Frederik van] Eeden – and like-minded intellectuals in Europe of the interbellum – to make an idol of Tagore as the poet-king the world was waiting for. 2

The impact or “hype” caused by his writings and lectures has been compared to that surround modern day celebrities going by a Dutch article published to mark the 100th anniversary in September 2020. 3

Today we are free to believe whether or not this was due to his charisma or indeed a deeper understanding, rather than unrealistic expectations that often arise from “western interest in spirituality as an antidote to cultural pessimism, modernism, and materialism”.

Historical context

By 1920 Tagore’s “celebrity” status had already attracted Dutch readers, enjoying highly popular edition of his Gitanjali based on the English edition hailed by W. B. Yeats. It was for this collection of poetry for which Tagore was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913 “because of his profoundly sensitive, fresh and beautiful verse, by which, with consummate skill, he has made his poetic thought, expressed in his own English words, a part of the literature of the West”.

By 1920 extraordinary success story had already to both, the publication and staging of his favourite play The Post Office 4 (Dutch De brief van den koning).

Rie Cramer, a renowned Dutch children’s book illustrator, writer and freedom fighter in her own right, had created six miniatures included in a bibliophile edition enjoyed by generations of Dutch readers ever since. Besides adding beauty she contributed to a greater awareness of the fact that “Tagore uses the notion of freedom to decry narrow nationalistic boundaries, governed by myopic ambition and greed […] which bring out different facets of his broader abstraction of freedom. 5

In the Netherlands, Rabindranath Tagore was hailed by some as India’s “Poet King”, inspiring Dutch composers to create new and original work besides being a much sought after speaker all over Europe in view of his self-assigned mission to improve international relations in association with public figures from mutually hostile nations.

Rabindranath Tagore Vrije Gemeente Amsterdam 23 September 1920) © Spaarnestad Photo
Tagore with his hosts at the Vrije Gemeente Amsterdam
23 September 1920 © Spaarnestad Photo

Yet Tagore’s irrepressible sense of independence and personal freedom is evident from many of the poems he hand collected and translated for the benefit of foreign friends, published under the title Gitanjali; and even more explicitly in a letter written a few years later, addressed to his friend, the poetess Victoria Ocampo whom he had sought to honour by using her name in the Sanskrit equivalent “Vijaya”:

Whenever there is the least sign of the nest becoming a jealous rival of the sky [,] my mind, like a migrant bird, tries to take … flight to a distant shore. 6

Image: India Perspectives, Vol. 24 No. 2/2010
‘Where the mind is without fear!’: A poem from Gitanjali in Tagore’s calligraphy in “Tagore, Gitanjali and the Nobel Prize by Nilanjan Banerjee, India Perspectives, Vol. 24 No. 2/2010.


In view of Tagore’s artistic and educational priorities the gathering commemorating his visit focused on the ways “freedom” permeates his legacy. 7

On 25 September 2020 the same venue – since 1968 a popular music venue known as Paradiso – welcomed a small gathering sharing an interest in Tagore’s work and its relevance for our times. Our discussion was enriched by contributions from other parts of the country, and by Santal educationist Dr. Boro Baski who hails from one the villages near Tagore’s Visva-Bharati University at Santiniketan (West Bengal). 8 The values and forward looking principles envisaged for his newly founded “World University” also figured prominently during meetings arranged in the course of Tagore’s successful lecture-cum-fundraising tour in 1920. 9

Paradiso - de grote zaal Vrije Gemeente (gezien naar de achtergevel circa 1900)
Paradiso (main hall of the Vrije Gemeente, circa 1900): built in 1880, 1965 sold to the City of Amsterdam © Stadsarchief Amsterdam; discussed in “Scheurmakers: 50 jaar Paradiso. Voorheen Vrije Gemeente” door Raymond van den Boogaard

Rabindranath Tagore’s ideas left an impression worth debating today, be it on a personal level or perhaps even in a larger context, as discussed among the participants during and after the 2020 commemoration in Paradiso:

I am not against one nation in particular, but against the general idea of all nations. What is the Nation? It is the aspect of a whole people as an organized power. This organization incessantly keeps up the insistence of the population on becoming strong and efficient. But this strenuous effort after strength and efficiency drains man’s energy from his higher nature where he is self-sacrificing and creative. 10

His foresight is evident from one of his lectures on the danger posed by nationalism, anywhere in the world:

His life and work remain a source of inspiration, whether we focus on the creative artist he was – the world famous poet, musician and painter – or on the social activist who remains an example to emulate for many: today and for future generations Rabindranath Tagore’s legacy may be that of “The Argumentative Indian” Nobel Awardee Amartya Sen wrote about so eloquently as Visva-Bharati’s most prominent alumnus 11 just as the “Myriad-Minded Man”. 12

Rabindranath Tagore and his role in fostering “sympathy of the East and West” during his visit to The Netherlands in fall 1920

In his poetry, for which he received the Nobel Prize for Literature as Asia’s first awardee in 1913, Rabindranath Tagore uses musical instruments as metaphors for self-realization and transcendence; notably the vina (or “veena”, often translated as “harp”) and the flute. In a letter to Frederik van Eeden, his Dutch translator, he wrote in 1913, seven years before visiting the Netherlands:

Very often I think and feel that I am like a flute – the flute that cannot talk but when the breath is upon it, can sing. I am sure you have seen me in my book and I shall never be able to make myself seen to you when we meet; for the body of the lamp is dark, it has no expression, only its flame has the language. 13

In another letter to Van Eeden, Tagore wrote about a quest he shared with leading minds all over the world:

Still I cannot deny that this award of the Nobel Prize has been a great thing. It is the handshake of sympathy of the East and West across the water – it has proclaimed the oneness of humanity. 14

In 1920 Tagore spoke before packed houses including the “free congregation”: the humanistic and cosmopolitan “Vrije Gemeente” whose highly placed members had built a magnificent church at the Weteringschans in Amsterdam. (It now houses Amsterdam’s prime pop venue, known as “Paradiso”.)

Tagore’s lecture tour made a lasting impression on countless listeners:

Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941) and the Dutch writer, psychiatrist and Utopist Frederik van Eeden (1860-1932) exchanged correspondence between 1913 and 1928, and met in Amsterdam in 1920. When Van Eeden discovered Tagore’s poetry in 1913, he experienced a feeling of profound recognition and went on to translate a considerable amount of Tagore’s poetic work into Dutch, starting with Gitanjali [Wijzangen]. Van Eeden’s translations became very popular in the Netherlands, also among composers. 15

Van Eeden’s father (the elder Frederick van Eeden) was in fact the co-founder of the “Colonial Museum” in nearby Haarlem in 1864 that moved to a grand new building in Amsterdam in 1923. 16

Tagore with tambura - Sangeet Natak Centenary Number (New Delhi 1961)
“As Blind Minstrel in Phalguni” by Abanindranath Tagore (detail); title page, Sangeet Natak Centenary Number (New Delhi 1961)

Even though the above quote confirms his fondness for the simple bansuri bamboo flute, an instrument he often heard played during Santal festivities – on “tribal” land where Santiniketan was founded – Tagore did not play any musical instrument other than the indispensable drone:

“I practiced my songs with my tamburā resting on my shoulder.” (My Boyhood Days, p. 38, Calcutta: Visva-Bharati 1997).

Later he was depicted as playing a similar string instrument, namely as a participant in his own music dramas (see the detail from Abanindranath Tagore’s painting reproduced here).


  1. “In the evening he read the essay on ‘Some Village Mystics of Bengal’ in the ‘Church Of the Christians’. About 1500 Theosophists and religious persons attentively listened his lecture.”
    Rabindranath in Holland (contd-2) – 1920 by Smaraka Grantha.
  2. Tagore’s reception in Europe amounted to a “vogue”, Dutch “een ware rage”, as described by Rokus de Groot in his account of the atmosphere and extraordinary circumstances surrounding Tagore’s visit, making “Tagore into a major text source in Dutch new music of the first half of the twentieth century”. For details read “Rabindranath Tagore and Frederik van Eeden: Reception of a ‘Poet King’ in the Netherlands” in Hindustani Music: Thirteenth to Twentieth Centuries. Codarts / Manohar New Delhi 2010 pp. 521-76; find a copy in the library: http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/699235007[]
  3. “‘Met zilveren stemgeluid leest dr. Tagore de rede, die hij te voren op papier heeft gebracht. Hij vertelt van de dorpsmystici ginds in Bengalen, van mannen en vrouwen wier godsdienst het Hindoeïsme is en die in religieuze devotie het dagelijksche gebeuren rondom hen vertolken in liederen van zeldzame bekoring.’ Tagores bezoek maakte diepe indruk en bracht in Nederland een ware rage teweeg.
  4. Original title: Dakghar and available as The Project Gutenberg EBook: The Post Office by Rabindranath Tagore, New York: The Macmillan Company, 1914 http://www.gutenberg.org/files/6523/6523-h/6523-h.htm[]
  5. Bhaswati Ghosh in “Freedom in Tagore’s Plays — an essay”, Parabaas Rabindranath Section:
  6. Rabindranath Tagore quoted by Amartya Sen in The Argumentative Indian (London 2005), p. 103[]
  7. For more detailed accounts of Tagore’s journey between 23 September and 1 October 1920 popularity, read “Tagore in The Netherlands” by Liesbeth Meyer on parabaas.com, and “Rabindranath in Holland – 1920” by Smaraka Grantha.
  8. The mission statement of its university reiterates Tagore’s vision expounded to the intended beneficiaries and benefactors, be they from all over India or from abroad: “Visva-Bharati represents India where she has her wealth of mind which is for all. Visva-Bharati acknowledges India’s obligation to offer to others the hospitality of her best culture and India’s right to accept from others their best.”
  9. “Other than Dr. Eeden Rabindranth was introduced with two other poets. One, Henri Borel, and the other, Raden Mas Noto Suroto. Borel translated two dramas of Rabindranath, The King of the Dark Chamber [1914] and The Post Office [1916] in Dutch. The second one became very much popular in Holland.
    Rabindranath in Holland (contd-1)-1920 by Smaraka Grantha.
  10. Nationalism by Rabindranath Tagore. Penguin Books – Great Ideas. London: 2010 [first ed. 1917], pp. 76-77; find a copy in the library:
  11. To appreciate Tagore’s struggles and achievements, see The Argumentative Indian: Writings on Indian History, Culture and Identity by Amartya Sen; find a copy in the library:
  12. See Rabindranath Tagore: the myriad-minded man by Krishna Dutta and Andrew Robinson (a biography that “focuses on the man, not his art”); find a copy in the library: http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/935863491[]
  13. See Letter#2: Rabindranath to Van Eeden, August 9, 1913 in “Tagore in The Netherlands” by Liesbeth Meyer
    “Believe me, my friend, my heart goes out to you but I am inarticulate. I have to speak to you in a language not my own. The best that I have in me I give out in songs – no, I can not even say that I give it out – it comes out of itself. The superconscious self of mine which has its expression in beauty is beyond my control – and my ordinary self is stupid and awkward before men. Very often I think and feel that I am like a flute – the flute that cannot talk but when the breath is upon it, can sing. I am sure you have seen me in my book and I shall never be able to make myself seen to you when we meet; for the body of the lamp is dark, it has no expression, only its flame has the language.”[]
  14. Signed in Shanti Niketan, 12 December 1913, see Letter#4: Rabindranath to Van Eeden; December 12, 1913 in “Tagore in The Netherlands” by Liesbeth Meyer
  15. Abstract: “Van Eeden en Tagore. Ethiek en muziek” by Rokus de Groot
  16. later known as Tropenmuseum and today absorbed into the Netherlands’ Wereldmuseum[]

Slideshow | India Inspiration – Tropenmuseum Amsterdam

This exhibition at the Tropenmuseum (today’s Wereldmuseum Amsterdam) featured two strands of shared memories: one celebrating the sources of inspiration shared by Indian and Western artists; and the other honouring migrants from India via Suriname.

Visitors experienced both strands as being intertwined by means of songs and memorabilia including historical photographs, video clips and historical film footage.

Concept and research by Ludwig Pesch (www.aiume.org) in collaboration with museum staff and Architectenbureau Jowa (www.jowa.nl) for display between 2007 and 2017.

Photographs © Ludwig Pesch

This exhibition was one of the five themes in the exhibition “Round and About India”: Wanderings


For millennia, storytellers and actors have spread their stories to every corner of India: stories about gods and heroes just as those of “ordinary mortals” revolting in the face of injustice or oppression of every conceivable kind.

Today their narrative boxes, scrolls and performances are often replaced by modern media, and this hardly for want of interest – quite on the contrary: it is a deeply felt interest in one’s identity or cultural roots that keeps these stories alive.

“Round and About India” therefore invited visitors to immerse themselves in stories told by people, ideas or objects even in the absence of a universally accepted or “final” written edition. What holds these stories together is the recurring theme of “wanderings”: a perennial flow of people attracted to local festivals, going on a pilgrimage or persuaded to migrate to distant lands for a variety of reasons.

In this exhibition these stories relate to dance, theatre and music traditions from different regions.

Santiniketan: Birth of Another Cultural Space – Free e-book by Pulak Dutta

“Of all living creatures in the world, man has his vital and mental energy vastly in excess of his need, which urges him to work in various lines of creation for its own sake […] Life is perpetually creative because it contains in itself that surplus which ever overflows the boundaries of the immediate time and space.” – Rabindranath Tagore in The Religion of an Artist 1

KG Subramanyam with Pulak Dutta – Santiniketan 2009

Source: Pulak Dutta. Santiniketan: Birth of Another Cultural Space. Santiniketan 2015. Contact: pulaksantiniketan@gmail.com | Download his free e-book here | Backup copy (PDF, 5 MB) >>

More on and by Rabindranath Tagore >>

Listen to Tagore: Unlocking Cages: Sunil Khilnani tells the story of the Bengali writer and thinker Rabindranath Tagore: https://bbc.in/1KVh4Cf >>
The acclaimed BBC 4 podcast series titled Incarnations: India in 50 Lives has also been published in book form (Allen Lane).

“I was moved by how many of these lives pose challenges to the Indian present,” he writes, “and remind us of future possibilities that are in danger of being closed off.”2

  1. Quoted by Pulak Dutta (p. 97) from Sisir Kumar Das (ed.). The English Writings of Rabindranath Tagore, Vol 3. New Delhi: Sahitya Akademi 2006 (pp. 687-8) []
  2. Sunil Khilnani quoted in a review by William Dalrymple in The Guardian, 14 March 2016[]

Indian music in intercultural education – ISME Glasgow


Whatever we understand and enjoy in human products instantly becomes ours, wherever they might have their origin – Rabindranath Tagore*

During this presentation, musical figures from several distinct traditions were explored in a practice-oriented manner. The figures selected are appealing beyond South Asia where they originated many centuries ago and continue to play a key role in classical and applied music.

Our shared goal was to enable young and old to collaborate in a memorable learning process that blends seemlessly into any chosen subject, academic and otherwise.

The criteria for selecting a particular figure were (1) its flexibility as for combining it with another subject, for instance mathematics, geography or history; (2) its appeal going by prior experience with learners from different age groups; and (3) its scope for variation, movement, visualisation and analysis in accordance with learners’ specific needs and abilities.

Click on the above image to view or download and print a sample lesson for free (PDF with mp3 audio and other links)
View or download this lesson for free (PDF with mp3 audio and other links)


As part of integrated music education, Indian music enables even complete strangers to share a useful learning process. This calls for a natural and playful approach to melody, rhythm, hand signs and body movement. In this manner we are prepared to include newcomers – children and adults lacking a common language – to instantly participate in music.

Indian music is valued for fostering memory, analytical thinking, concentration, and cooperation among peers. Its basic concepts are exhilarating and liberating whether or not there is scope for studying Indian culture in its own right. This is a boon in circumstances where verbal or written instructions fail to engage learners. Rather than resigning in the face of such formidable challenges, educators are free to experiment and spread solidarity through instant inclusion – the essential joy of “creating” music oneself. This aspect addresses a common fear among learners, namely to be left behind (again!), be it in music or other subjects – a fear that is all too often justified in competitive modern society.

To help educators to overcome such fears, we build lessons around simple figures that bind tunes, rhythms and movements together into a rounded whole. Some of these may appear familiar enough to “break the ice” if needed; and others are so fresh and mind-boggling as to trigger further experimentation among peers in informal settings – anywhere and anytime. For this to happen, we dispense with technical resources of any kind.

Adaptation is the key to rapidly changing learning scenarios wherein cultural stereotyping, a known stumbling block for educators all over the world, must be overcome. This is easily achieved by integrating Indian music into discussions of academic concepts, or by letting its rhythms enrich social and outdoor activities. Such activities are by definition location specific and all-inclusive.


Educators from Canada, Finland, Germany, Hungary, India, Singapore and Switzerland were among the eleven participants in this one-hour session. They explored a time proven method suited to the needs of a wide range of abilities and learning goals; and this irrespective of participants’ cultural roots.

Date: 28 July 2016 | photos by courtesy of Dr. Tony Makarome, Yong Siew Toh Conservatory Singapore

More information

*Rabindranath Tagore in a letter to C.F. Andrews; quoted by Amartya Sen in The Argumentative Indian: Writings on Indian History, Culture and Identity. London: Penguin, 2005, p. 86.

More on and by Rabindranath Tagore >>

Gedenkfeier für Dr. Pia Srinivasan am 16. Mai 2022

Pia Srinivasan Buonomo
(Reinbek, 1. März 2020)

Um Pia’s Persönlichkeit gerecht zu werden wollen wir heute mehr als “nur” Abschied nehmen, wenn wir uns zunächst einer respektierten wie engagierten Forscherin und Förderin der indischen Musik erinnern: gemeinsam mit ihrem Ehemann Srinivasan (“Srini” für Pia und viele von uns) öffnete sie Türen, die anders verschlossen geblieben wären. | Begrüßungstext >>

“Heute ist die karnatische Musik noch in hohem Maße lebendig. Der Besuch eines Konzertes gehört zu den zentralen Erlebnissen eines Indienaufenthaltes. Wie immer mehr Menschen aus Asien und Europa mit ihren ganz anders gearteten Musiksystemen feststellen, kann diese Musik leicht auch solchen, die zu ihr erst sekundär Zugang finden, zu einem nicht unwesentlichen Lebensinhalt werden.” – Begleittext von Pia Srinivasan für die preisgekrönte Schallplattenaufnahme Sambho Mahadeva Vina/South India (Live Aufnahme mit Rajeswari Padmanabhan & Karaikudi Subramanian)

Tribute to Pia Srinivasan – vocal, vina and tambura
Tamil song by Sreevidhya Chandramouli & Chandramouli Narayanan

“Im Westen aufgewachsen ging Pia auf eine musikalische Reise, die sie zur südindischen Musik führte. Auf bewundernswerte Weise gelang es ihr, zugleich Freundin, Schwester und Schülerin von Rajeswari – Interpretin der Karaikudi Lautentradition – zu sein. Ihre Musik studierte und förderte sie. Gemeinsam mit Srinivasan stellte sie sich zugleich in den Dienst großer Anliegen unserer Zeit.”

“Blossoming from the West, she embarked on a journey to spotlight us. Attracted by South Indian music, Pia came in search of our Karaikudi Veena. Among a thousand women is the only Pia, a friend as well as sister of Rajeswari, seer of history, and student of the crown jewel–Goddess Sarasvati who is the Queen of Veena … and with Srinivasan was dedicated to serving the world” – Tribute to Pia Srinivasan by Chandramouli Narayanan tuned by Sreevidhya Chandramouli >>

Pia Srinivasan mit Rajeswari Padmanabhan & SA Srinivasan
Kumudam (Tamil Zeitschrift, 1969) | Nachruf >>

Musik zum Nachhören (Auszüge)

1. Sankarabharana Raga (Alapana, Tanam)
Rajeswari Padmanabhan & Karaikudi S Subramanian – Vina, Tanjore Upendran – Mridangam – CD Sambho Mahadeva Vina/South India (Juni 1975 live in Berlin)
2. Sobhillu Saptasvara – Tyagaraja kriti – Jaganmohini – Adi Tala
“O Mind! Praise the divine forms of the seven musical notes”
Rajeswari Padmanabhan & Karaikudi S Subramanian – Vina, Tanjore Upendran – Mridangam – CD Sambho Mahadeva Vina/South India (live in Berlin, Juni 1975)
Vina-Lehrerin Rajeswari Padmanabhan (Kalakshetra 1999) © Ludwig Pesch
3. Pia Srinivasan – Vina, TR Sundaresan – Ghatam (Auszug 0:46, Konzert in Wentorf)
Pia Srinivasan in Reinbek
4. Lied gesungen von der Sangitam Gruppe geleitet von Pia Srinivasan mit TR Sundaresan – Kanjira (Auszug 1:33, Konzert in Wentorf)
5. Pallavi komponiert von TR Sundaresan als Tribut an Pia Srinivasan und SA Srinivasan
Srīnivāsa Pia Priyāya Namaste – Sangīta Sāhitya Rasika
Hamsānandi Raga – Catusra Jati Triputa Tala (Atita eduppu)

Wir erinnern uns voller Liebe an Pia und Srinivasan, herausragende Kenner und Förderer der klassischen Musik und Literatur.

“Let us pay homage to Pia and Srinivasan whom we remember fondly for their support of music and learning “

6. Ranjani Mala composed by T Sankara Iyer, gesungen von DK Jayaraman 
“O procuress of happiness, with lotus-soft eyes, soft-spoken one, procuress of delight to the mind, who mothered the god of love, You the one to purify all and everything” (translated by SA Srinivasan)

“Oggi abbiamo cominciato un pezzo in un altro raga, Ranjani, che mi era piaciuto molto in un concerto. […] Suoniamo e ripetiamo il pezzo nel raga Ranjani […] Fuori intanto continua a diluviare: sarà il monsone che arriva con ritardo o dipende dal raga Ranjani? Che sia un malai raga (un raga che porta la pioggia)? Rajeswari dice di no.”

Heute übten wir ein neues Stück im Raga Ranjani, der mir während eines Konzerts gut gefallen hatte. Als es stark zu regnen begann, fragte ich Rajeswari, ob der verspätete Monsun von diesem Raga abhinge, er somit als Regen-Raga gelte. Sie sagte ‘nein’.”– Pia Srinivasan in ihren memoiren Il raga che porta la pioggia

7. Sudhamayee – Muthiah Bhagavatar Kriti – Amritavarshini Raga – Rupaka Tala
Seetha Doraiswamy, Jalatarangam

“One who is the source of the immortality nectar, priya- loved, kamini- who is loved, aananda- bliss, joy, amritha- nectar of immortality, varshini- who showers, rains” – Translation on https://www.karnatik.com/c1045.shtml

Reviews and feedback for
Il raga che porta la pioggia >>
Paola Buonomo liest Auszüge aus den italienischen Memoiren von Pia Srinivasan: Il raga che porta la pioggia (Aufnahme: Ludwig Pesch 16.05.2022)

Tribute für Pia Srinivasan

Photo gallery for sharing freely: Remembrance by Paola Buonomo (Naples) >>

Familienbeitrag Wolfgang Thies

Pia und Srini waren wir jahrzehntelang verbunden. Was wir an ihnen schätzten, lässt sich nicht mit wenigen Worten umreißen. Offenheit, freundliche Zu­ge­wandt­heit, menschliche Wärme, Achtsamkeit, Bildung, Liebe zur Musik, geistige Regsamkeit bis ins hohe Alter, ihre Treue zueinander – das sind nur einige Stichworte. Unsere Begegnungen mit Pia und Srini haben uns jedesmal bereichert. Durch Pia lernten wir klassische indische Musik kennen, und bei einem Besuch in Reinbek bekamen unsere beiden damals noch jugendlichen Töchter eine kurze Einweisung an der Tambura. Zu der Zeit wohnten wir schon in Bayern, und bei unseren Kontakten per E-Mail und Telefon war die Entwicklung unserer Kinder immer ein wichtiges Thema für Pia. Unsere ältere Tochter schrieb, dass sie Pias ansteckende Begeisterung für die indische Musik, ihre Freude am Gesang, ihre herzliche und aufgeschlossene Art, ihre Gastfreundschaft, Energie und Lebensfreude sehr bildhaft in Erinnerung habe, und die jüngere Tochter bekräftigt dies. Wir sind dankbar dafür, dass wir Pia und Srini kennengelernt haben und über so lange Zeit mit ihnen in Kontakt waren. Uns bleiben wertvolle Erinnerungen an zwei liebenswerte Menschen.

Mein Bruder schrieb mir über Pia: vor meinen Augen sehe ich sie immer noch zu Zeiten des Altonaer Konzerts von Rajeswari Padmanabhan, an das ich mich immer gern erinnere. Die Welt wird wieder ein kleines Stück ärmer, wenn liebe Menschen, die das Leben eine lange Zeit begleitet und bereichert haben, sie verlassen.

“I will miss her presence in my life a lot.” – Eminent Carnatic vocalist Kiranavali Vidyasankar

Kalakshetra Beach in Chennai (ca. 1974-1975) © Carol Reck

“Pia and Srini were both very dear to us over the decades since we met in the late 60s in Madras. We’ve shared some good times, experiences and lots of music together.” – Carol Reck also speaking on behalf of her late husband, Prof. David Reck (Amherst University)

Day places its golden veena
In the silent hands of the stars,
To be tuned to Eternity’s raga

Rabindranath Tagore: The Jewel That is Best
by William Radice (2011)